A New Year with New Intentions

I’ve wanted to start writing posts from the farm. I used to do it weekly when we operated the CSA and it was nice capture the weekly happenings as well as share the season’s story with others. So as the new year is upon us, I will make a renewed effort to start this blog back up.

So what happens on the farm in the winter? There’s many things to do, but at a somewhat slower pace. There’s the bookwork that I’m always behind on, tax prep, website updating, seed ordering, planning, and dreaming. Some of these things make great use of tea time and some extra long bath soaks. Water is therapeautic for me and I do a lot of creative thinking in the tub believe it or not. This is a luxury I do not take time for in the summer, so it’s a winter ritual that I especially look forward to doing.

We still also have a list of kitchen creations to finish such as peeling the remaining garlic and pureeing it for freezer storage. There are frozen raspberries and frozen hot pepper ingredients waiting patiently for us to convert them into jams and jellies. And then there’s the slow and steady making and restocking items for our online store.

So here’s to a new year, with new intentions, and the hope that I can regularly remember to write some farm updates. I hope someone may just read them and feel the what the rythm of the farm is at the moment.

Eat Well. Smile Often.
