1. Mixed Salad Greens 3/4#
  2. Asparagus 1#: Creamy Asparagus, Lemon, and Walnut Pasta
  3. Spinach 1/2#: Chicken Florentine Casserole
  4. Rhubarb 1.25#: Rhubarb Berry Crunch (i used frozen raspberries instead of strawberries) Kids voted this recipe the best ever!
  5. Chives: Green Goddess Chive Dressing
  6. Radishes: Sliced Radish Tartine
  7. Garlic Chives (flat leaf, smells like garlic): Flaky Goat Cheese Chive Biscuits
  8. Eggs

Another big week of planting is under our belts. The potatoes were late to develop eyes this season due to the cold temperatures earlier this month. After finally seeing some stout little eyes start, the 250# of cut potato seeds were finally planted on Monday.

We start our winter squash plants indoors and plant them as starts, being very careful to not disturb the roots as we plant. About 550 winter squash plants were set out this week along with brussel sprouts, and celeriac.

The shot of rain we received yesterday evening couldn’t have come at a better time. All of those babies in the garden needed a good drink to get them growing and settled into their new home.

Our little ducks are growing so quickly. Soon they will get their feathers and will be able to be outside in the petting zoo pen for the summer letting all of our farm visitors enjoy their presence. Our other young friends on the farm include our Red Ranger meat chickens that are just beginning to get their feathers. Soon, these chicks will also get their feathers and will be outside looking for bugs and enjoying the grass and sunshine.

Eat Well. Smile Often.

Your Farmer,
