1. Onions: pan fried onion dip
  2. garlic
  3. sweet peppers
  4. summer squash/zucchini
  5. Beans, snap
  6. tomatoes, last ones for the season!
  7. cilantro
  8. Kale: vegetarian kale soup
  9. leeks: pasta with zucchini And leeks
  10. potatoes
  11. carrots: sautéed carrots
  12. acorn squash: wild rice stuffed squash
  13. Salad
  14. arugula
  15. brussel sprouts on the stalk: roasted sprouts on the stalk
  16. eggs

The warm weather plants are taking a beating from repeated light frosts and the boxes will have less of those summertime items in come next delivery. Although the late snap beans were not overly abundant, they are quite delicious! I think I love snap beans even more in the fall for some reason. I hope you enjoy the warmth of your stoves as dinner time feels great this time of year!

A new item this week is our Brussels sprouts which are delivered on the stalk. There is little difference between a Brussels sprouts stalk and loose Brussels sprouts. The Brussels sprouts stalk is not edible, rather it provides a growing source and a source of post-harvest nutrients for the sprouts, allowing the Brussels sprouts to retain their livelihood and moisture longer.

Since our wood fired pizza season has ended, we are wrapping up loose ends on the farm this week in order to prepare to leave for our annual fall trip. This year, we are camping in comfort as we take our maiden voyage with our 16′ Scamp camper. It is cute and cozy and will make those chilly nights in the mountains of Yellowstone more restful. It feels quite luxurious to not travel with the van all packed tight with camping gear. However, I think it will be a fun way to do these excursions. Mercedes, our second year intern and CSA delivery woman this season, joins us on this trip and we are all very excited for a well deserved vacation.

Eat Well. Smile Often.

Your Farmer,
