1. Onions
  2. garlic
  3. sweet peppers (last of them)
  4. Kale: Yam and peanut stew with kale
  5. leeks: leek, bacon, and goat cheese pizza
  6. Fingerling potatoes: butter braised fingerlings
  7. carrots
  8. Butternut squash: butternut and Brussels stuffing
  9. Head lettuce
  10. Spinach
  11. Brussell sprouts on the stalk
  12. Beets: gingered beet pickles
  13. eggs

We had a wonderful trip out west. Scamping around in our little camper worked perfect for us. We loved the adventure and the off the beaten path experience one gets when camping vs. hotelling and we were snug as a bug with easy, warm morning breakfasts right by our side every day.

Yellowstone is lush with animal life and we were able to see hundreds of buffalo, antelope, bighorn sheep, coyotes, elk, one black bear, and a grizzly bear with her cub. The only animals we didn’t see were moose and wolves. The canyon area of the park was magnificent and provided a longer hiking day where we saw few park visitors on the trail.

We finished our trip by experiencing a horse trail ride on the Oregon Trail in Wyoming. Our hope was to get a better understanding of what the pioneers experienced on their journey west versus just reading about it in a museum. Well, we understand why the pioneers walked versus road in their wagons. The wagons were incredibly bumpy and rough to ride in! The boys loved riding the mule and sleeping in a teepee overnight while the coyotes howled and the great horned owls hooted thought the night.

The reality of normal life came fast upon our return to the farm. Two private pizza parties were scheduled soon after we were home. This week, the weather is unusually warm creating a buzz of Asian Beetles to deal with as we try to wash the last of the potato harvest for storage.

Our last event for the season will be our “Dinner on the Farm” this Saturday October 24th. Cooking has began to create our seasonally inspired menu for the event which is sold out. This is our seventh? dinner and I seem to have the flow down of how to prepare for the big day. I think I may be the most relaxed this year and am looking forward to the gathering of many wonderful people.

Enjoy the fall colors while they last.

Eat Well. Smile Often.

Your Farmer,
