- Spinach Spinach Bacon Quiche or a Strawberry Spinach Salad
- Mixed Spring Greens
- Green onions Feta and Roasted Green Onion Dip
- Chives (use in place of onions for a light onion flavor)
- Baby Radishes or Extra Large Salad Bag
- Eggs-1 dozen
This spring has been a test of patience for sure. We are about 3 weeks behind in the field, but will hopefully be able to make up some of that time with our transplanting. Just the other day, we were pushing hard to get in the first rounds of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, sweet corn, summer squash, and zucchini put in the ground all as transplants. We also have been able to seed peas, beets, salad, spinach, chard, and radishes directly in the garden just this Wednesday. Warmer nights will help move these germination times up and move things along, but we all have felt the irritation with Mother Nature and her psychitzophrenic personality this spring.
This is the first time ever in 10 years of harvesting asparagus that it has yet to pop out of the ground. Perhaps next week we’ll have some…
Otherwise, enjoy a hardy helping of spinach to be eaten either raw or cooked. I have a couple recipe suggestions at the top of the newsletter giving some inspiration on how to use specific seasonal items from the garden.
Eat Well. Smile Often.
Your Farmer,