- Spinach 1/2#- Creamed Spinach
- Salad Greens 1/2#- Green Salad with Creamy Mustard Vinaigrette
- Garlic Chives 1 bunch
- Asparagus 2 bunches
- a dozen eggs
This is the last week of our SPRING CSA. I’m sure all of you are eating lots of green leafy items and are happily cleansing your bodies of the winter toxins. It’s funny how eating with the seasons is actually a healthy and comforting act. To read more about the health benefits of spring greens and asparagus, click on the link: Seasonal Vegetables: Spring Cleaning for the Body.
If anyone needs some coffee or raspberry jam sent in their csa box, email me and I’ll pack it in your next box. Then, simply mail a check to the farm for your add-on purchases. Coffee is $11/# or $5.50/half #. Raspberry Jam $8/pint of rasbperry packed goodness in our low-sugar recipe…no fillers used, only berries.
Next week will be the first SUMMER CSA delivery. It doesn’t really change much for those that are already eating from the farm. The eggs are not included in the summer shares, but will only be in your boxes if you ordered them ala carte. In time, more colors will be appearing in the boxes.
Eat Well. Smile Often.