1. Asparagus 1#: Wild Rice Salad with Asparagus
  2. Spinach 1/2#: tender first cutting
  3. Green Onions
  4. Bok Choy: Spicy Bok Choy in Garlic
  5. Radishes with Leaves: Radish Leaf Pesto
  6. Garlic Chives
  7. Rhubarb: Rhubarb Custard Pie
  8. Kale: Spring Socca with Pesto, Kale, and Asparagus
  9. Eggs

Herb Shares: Dill, Chives, Parsley, Tarragon, (chicken salad with tarragon recipe), Thyme

Welcome all Summer CSA Members! We begin our 14 weeks of summer seasonal eating. I will email a CSA box content list each Wednesday as a reminder to pick up your box that afternoon. The full newsletter is always on our blog/front page of our website. Past newsletters are stored on the website and can be used as additional resources for cooking ideas. Recipe links and suggestions are always included in the newsletter to help inspire you with ways to use your veggies. If you have a recipe you’d like to share, please forward it to Heather and I can pass it along.

Experience an Egg

Everyone received a complimentary dozen of eggs this week in order to share the goodness that our pastured hens provide to us. We are so accustomed to eating our own farm fresh eggs that we take for granted the wonderful flavor of these eggs. Take a moment when preparing the eggs, and notice the rich color of the yoke. Heck, if you have a store egg in the fridge, do a side by side comparison and see if you can tell a difference in the flavor and color between the eggs. Even the egg whites have a golden yellow glow to them if you separate the whites from the yolk.

We receive such great reviews by those that eat our eggs about how delicious they taste that we wanted to share the experience with all of you. Are you getting an egg share in your CSA? If not, would you like eggs added to your CSA box regularly? Let me know so we can add you to the list. Questions/Egg Requests? Email Heather

A Farmer’s Life: 

Even though it seems like I should never really take time to get away this time of year due to the never ending to-do list, I escaped to Chetek, Wisconsin, with the boys and my folks for the weekend. Going “up north” after school is out has become a family tradition for the last 3 years which we plan to continue. Fishing poles, daily fish frys, and relaxing visits by the lake are all anticipated activities. The boys even got to try waterskiing for the first time. Ashlan popped up out of the water his first try, and Ethan managed to have a little time upright after a few bobbles. I’m quite lucky that I have such a wonderful farm team here to handle the farmstead while I was gone a couple days. The boys are up there with my folks for the rest of the week, so now I’m back trying to catch up from my trip.

The other excitement today is the arrival of our new washing machine. It started acting up this spring, and died a few weeks ago. Then the washer delivery had been delayed a week and so you could only imagine the amount of laundry that builds from us working outside all day, besides the boys, from 2.5 weeks without a washer. Thankfully my mother was willing to do a couple loads for us to help us get by. You know what I’ll be doing tonight, and I’ll be smiling!

Field Report: 

Things are wet and muddy out there in the fields. We tried our best to wash the dirt off the veggies, but I know the bok choy is hiding some dirt in its crevices. Be sure to give it a rinse after you cut off the root tail and separate & rinse the stalks before chopping it for the pan.

The warmth and moisture has everything growing like gang busters. I think the weeds grew 1 foot over the weekend. It sounds like we’ll have a few more showers this week, but next week looks dry. Next Monday will equal a weeding frenzy.

Wood-Fired Pizza Schedule: 

Now that it’s June, we’re open BOTH Thursdays and Fridays, 4:30-9pm, through the end of August. When school starts in September, we’ll go back down to just Fridays.

Live Music this Friday, June 18th with Crooked Willow, 6-9pm.

Your Farmer,


Eat Well. Smile Often